Smart Base CR-2050
Light Color Sulfurized Sulphonate
Chlorine Replacement Additives



Category Products


Appearance Clear Amber Liquid
Specific Gravity@25℃ 1.050 - 1.150
Viscosity@40℃, cSt 20 - 60
Sulfur Content,%wt 4 - 5
Fatty Ester Content, %wt 40 - 60
Flash Point C.O.C., ℃ > 160


SMART BASE CR-2050 is a clear amber EP additive to replace chlorinated paraffin. It can be used in cutting oil formulations for heavy-duty metalworking.

SMART BASE CR-2050 will not stain non-ferrous metals, so it can be used for operations on non-ferrous and ferrous metals. It offers superior AW and EP properties to prolong tool life.

SMART BASE CR-2050 contains high volume of fat, thus can improve surface finishing of the workpieces.

SMART BASE CR-2050 can replace chlorine on one-to-one basis. For example, a cutting oil contains 4% of 50% chlorinated paraffin bringing to the formula 2% chlorine, therefore, 2% SMART BASE CR-2050 would substitute the product.

SMART BASE CR-2050 is used in neat oil formulations mostly and not recommended for use in water-based product formulations (soluble oil, semi-synthetic and synthetic).

Standard Packaging

Net Weight/Gross Weight, kg 200.0 / 217.0



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