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SMART OIL PRODUCT: Light Color Sulfurized Additives
Brands Chemistry Product Features Typical Properties
Smart Base 2510Sulfurized Fatty OilLower sulfur content, will not corrode non-ferrous metals; can be used in oil-based formulations of ferrous and yellow metals. Excellent lubricating and EP properties; can enhance surface finishing of workpieces. Light color, easy to observe during machining. Low odor, easily acceptable by operators. Good stability, compatible with majority of base stocks.0.900
45 - 908.5
1B≤ 9> 14576 / 250
Smart Base 2515Sulfurized Fatty OilHigher sulfur content, with good EP property; yet not easy to corrode ferrous and yellow metals. Suitable for use in formulations of cutting oils, heavy duty lubricating greases and waylubes.Light color, easy to observeduring operation. Low odor, easily acceptable by operators. Good stability, compatible with majority of base stocks.0.900
40 - 9013.5
1B≤ 14>13082 / 250
Smart Base 2516Sulfurized Fatty OilHigher sulfur content, yet not easy to corrode copper; can be uesd in ferrous and yellow metals. Higher viscosity, with extremely good lubricating, antiwear and EP properties; suitable for formulations of oil-based cutting and forming oils. Can enhance oil film strength. Also good performance can be attained in stamping and drawing operations. Light color, easy to observe during operation. Low odor, easily acceptable by operators. Good stability, compatible with majority of base stocks. 0.900
650 - 85013.5
1B≤ 13> 13082 / 315
Smart Base 2517Sulfurized Fatty OilHigher active sulfur, light color, low odor; possesses excellent lubricating, anti-wear and EP properties. Very low viscosity, suitable for use in high wetting formulations like deep-hole drilling and horning oils. Even better performance when blended with phosphate ester SmartPhos P6800 or chlorine replacement additive Smart Base CR-2050. Good stability, compatible with majority of base stocks.0.900
40 - 14013
4B≤ 8> 13088 / 315
Smart Base 2518Sulfurized Fatty OilExtremely low viscosity, can enhance surface finishing of workpieces after operation. Higher sulfur content, light color, low odor; possesses good lubricating, anti-wear and EP properties. Low active sulfur content; can be used for processing yellow metals. Also can extend tool life. Can be used in straight oil or soluble oil formulations. Good compatibility with various types of additives.0.900
10 - 3016
1B< 11> 13582 / 315
Smart Base 2526Sulfurized Fatty OilHigher sulfur content, light color, low odor,low viscosity; suitable for formulations requiring extremely high cleansing capability, such as deep drilling and horning oils. Easily emulsified; suitable for heavy duty water-based formulations. Good stability, very good compatibility with majority of base stocks.0.900 - 1.000100 - 20024 - 27 (<4)1B≤ 8> 13088 / 315
Smart Base 2810Sulfurized Fatty OilHigh viscosity; extremely high lubricating and EP properties. Non-active sulfur, not easy to corrode non-ferrous metals; can be used in formulations of drawing, stamping, machining on ferrous and yellow metals. Light color, low odor; easy to observe after operation; easily acceptable by operators. Good stability, can be compatible with majority of base stocks. 0.900
900 - 140010
1B≤ 5> 14576 / 315
Smart Base 2816Sulfurized Fatty OilMedium viscosity,higher sulfur content. Light color,low odor. Low active sulfur content. For use in oil-based formulations for ferrous and yellow metals. Relatively high viscosity; suitable for heavy duty processing such as tapping,drawing,stamping,cutting and threading. Possesses better antiware and EP properties when compared to traditional additives with the same sulfur content. Can effectively enhance surface finishing of workpieces.0.900
300 - 40016
1B≤ 20> 15088 / 315
Smart Base 2826Sulfurized Fatty OilLower viscosity,high sulfur content,low active sulfur content,light color,low odor. Not suitable for yellow metals. Suitable for heavy duty processing such as tapping,drawing,stamping,cutting and threading. Posseses better antiwear and EP properties when compared with traditional additives that has same sulfur content. High lubricity; can effectively enhance surface finishing of workpieces.0.900
150 - 25026
4B≤ 8> 13088 / 315
Smart Base 2916Sulfurized Fatty OilHigh viscosity, low odor sulfurized fatty oil; with excellent lubricating and EP properties, Recommended for use in neat oil formulations for processing ferrous metals. Suitable for use in tapping, drawing, stamping, turning and other heavy-duty processes like threading. Possesses better lubricating and EP properties when compared to other additives with similar sulfur content, so can effectively elevate the surface finishing of workpieces, and can extend tool life. Good stability and compatibility with other additives and base oils of different categories; so can easily blend process oil for different applications. Contains active sulfur, so not suitable for processing ordinary copper, bronze, and brass.0.900
170 - 25014 - 164B≤ 2> 15082 / 315
Smart Base 35170.900
200 - 40015 - 174B< 8> 15088 / 315