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SMART OIL PRODUCT: High Molecular Wt Polymeric Ester

High molecular polymeric esters that contain no sulfur, chlorine, nor phosphorous. With unique molecular structures that can adhere tightly to the metal surface even at elevated temperatures. Superior frictional and antiwear properties. Good hydrolytic stability, suitable for waterbased coolants formulations. With high degree of saturation, not easy to form contaminants at contact points of tool and workpiece surface due to oxidation. High viscosity index, with superior high temperature stability, cold flow property, low volatility, and good shear stability; which can maintain corresponding functions of lubrication, anti-wear and EP at different temperatures at contact points during machining. These can not only maintain good lubricity operations at extended temperature range, but also can reduce consumption of additives. Can replace sulfur, chlorine and phosphorous-containing additives in formulations with very comparable performance. Moreover, reduction of product shininess can be avoided, as otherwise will be caused by the reaction of EP additives with metal during machining. Can also be blended with small quantities of sulfur, chlorine, and hosphpruscontaining additives to achieve synergistic effects. Good compatibility with mineral oils, synthetic oils and synthetic esters to make blending easy. Good cleaning characteristic and readily biodegradable. Product can be used to raise the viscosity of the lubracation system. Being ashless additive, leaves no residue after high temperature operations. Not easy to corrode non-ferrous metals; especially suitable for cutting, drawing, and stamping operations on aluminum alloys. Product also suitable for use in formulations of gear oil, grease, refrigeration oil and other metal working fluid..
Brands:  Smart HMPE 9310
High molecular polymeric esters that contain no sulfur, chlorine, nor phosphorous. With unique molecular structures that can adhere tightly to metal surfaces even at elevated temperatures. Superior anti-frictional and anti-wear properties. Good hydrolytic stability, suitable for water-based coolant formulations. With high degree of satuation, not easy to form contaminants at contact points of tools and workpiece surface due to oxidation. Suprior high temperature stability, cold flow property, low volatility, high viscosity index, and good shear stability; which can maintain corresponding functions of lubrication, anti-wear and EP at different temperatures at contact points during machining. These can not only maintain good lubricity operations at extended temperature range, but also can reduce consumption of additives. Can replace the sulfur, chlorine and phosphorous containing additives in formulations with very close performance. Moreover, reduction of product shininess can be avoided due to the otherwise reaction of the extreme additives with metals during machining. Can also be blended with small quantities of extreme additives to achieve synergistic effect. Good compatibility with mineral oils, synthetic oils and synthetic esters to make blending easy. Good cleaning characteristics and readily biodegradable; so belong to ashless additives. No residue after high temperature operations. Not easy to corrode non-ferrous metals; especially suitable for cutting, drawing, and stamping operations on aluminum alloys.
Brands:  Smart HMPE 9320
High molecular polymeric esters that contain no sulfur, chlorine, nor phosphorous. With unique molecular structures that can adhere tightly to metal surfaces even at elevated temperatures. Superior anti-frictional and anti-wear properties. Good hydrolytic stability, suitable for water-based coolant formulations. With high degree of satuation, not easy to form contaminants at contact points of tools and workpiece surface due to oxidation. Suprior high temperature stability, cold flow property, low volatility, high viscosity index, and good shear stability; which can maintain corresponding functions of lubrication, anti-wear and EP at different temperatures at contact points during machining. These can not only maintain good lubricity operations at extended temperature range, but also can reduce consumption of additives. Can replace the sulfur, chlorine and phosphorous containing additives in formulations with very close performance. Moreover, reduction of product shininess can be avoided due to the otherwise reaction of the extreme additives with metals during machining. Can also be blended with small quantities of extreme additives to achieve synergistic effect. Good compatibility with mineral oils, synthetic oils and synthetic esters to make blending easy. Good cleaning characteristics and readily biodegradable; so belong to ashless additives. No residue after high temperature operations. Not easy to corrode non-ferrous metals; especially suitable for cutting, drawing, and stamping operations on aluminum alloys.
Brands:  Smart HMPE 9340
High molecular polymeric esters that contain no sulfur, chlorine, nor phosphorous. With unique molecular structures that can adhere tightly to metal surfaces even at elevated temperatures. Superior anti-frictional and anti-wear properties. Good hydrolytic stability, suitable for water-based coolant formulations. With high degree of satuation, not easy to form contaminants at contact points of tools and workpiece surface due to oxidation. Suprior high temperature stability, cold flow property, low volatility, high viscosity index, and good shear stability; which can maintain corresponding functions of lubrication, anti-wear and EP at different temperatures at contact points during machining. These can not only maintain good lubricity operations at extended temperature range, but also can reduce consumption of additives. Can replace the sulfur, chlorine and phosphorous containing additives in formulations with very close performance. Moreover, reduction of product shininess can be avoided due to the otherwise reaction of the extreme additives with metals during machining. Can also be blended with small quantities of extreme additives to achieve synergistic effect. Good compatibility with mineral oils, synthetic oils and synthetic esters to make blending easy. Good cleaning characteristics and readily biodegradable; so belong to ashless additives. No residue after high temperature operations. Not easy to corrode non-ferrous metals; especially suitable for cutting, drawing, and stamping operations on aluminum alloys.
Brands:  Smart HMPE 9350
High molecular polymeric esters that contain no sulfur, chlorine, nor phosphorous. With unique molecular structures that can adhere tightly to metal surfaces even at elevated temperatures. Superior anti-frictional and anti-wear properties. Good hydrolytic stability, suitable for water-based coolant formulations. With high degree of satuation, not easy to form contaminants at contact points of tools and workpiece surface due to oxidation. Suprior high temperature stability, cold flow property, low volatility, high viscosity index, and good shear stability; which can maintain corresponding functions of lubrication, anti-wear and EP at different temperatures at contact points during machining. These can not only maintain good lubricity operations at extended temperature range, but also can reduce consumption of additives. Can replace the sulfur, chlorine and phosphorous containing additives in formulations with very close performance. Moreover, reduction of product shininess can be avoided due to the otherwise reaction of the extreme additives with metals during machining. Can also be blended with small quantities of extreme additives to achieve synergistic effect. Good compatibility with mineral oils, synthetic oils and synthetic esters to make blending easy. Good cleaning characteristics and readily biodegradable; so belong to ashless additives. No residue after high temperature operations. Not easy to corrode non-ferrous metals; especially suitable for cutting, drawing, and stamping operations on aluminum alloys.
Brands:  Smart HMPE 9380

Brands Typical Properties
Viscosity IndexSGViscosity@40℃, cStAcid Value, mgKOH/gFlash Point C.O.C.,℃5%ADDITIVE+95%SN150
Smart HMPE 9310 New> 1400.900-1.00040 - 60< 8> 20044/10076/315
Smart HMPE 9320> 1650.900-1.000215 - 250≤20> 24561 / 16094 / 315
Smart HMPE 9340 New> 1500.950-1.050550-750<15>22071/160100/400
Smart HMPE 9350 New>1700.950-1.0501400-1700<15> 27066/16094/400
Smart HMPE 9380 New> 1700.900-1.0001800-2200<15>27052/16094/500