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SMART OIL PRODUCT: Light Color Drawing Oil Packages
Brands Chemistry Product Features Typical Properties
SmartDraw SD361High Viscosity Oxidized Lard OilSuperior wetting and lubricating properties, suitable for use in drawing and stamping operations, can effectively penetrate into workpieces to avoid scratching and cracking during operation. Emulsifier agent can be added to blend easily washable drawing oil.0.900
100 - 500100> 170
SmartDraw SD379Drawing/Forming Oil For SS TubeDesigned for stainless steel tubing, wire drawing and tube bending and forming operations. Blended with high viscosity chlorinated paraffin, high refined lard oil, and high performance lubricants. Workpieces not easily cracked or broken during operations. Users can use this product direct, or dilute with rapeseed oil prior usage (Suggested product/oil ratio of 70:30).1.400
n.a.< 5> 200
SmartDraw SD3629High Viscosity Drawing & Stamping OilCompounded with vegetable oils, animal oils and synthetic esters. Provides excellent boundary lubricating and cooling functons; can effectively prevent metal adherence or welding to moulds; also possesses impact resistance property. Can enhance durability of dies. Can be used after dilution with rapeseed oil, palm oil or mineral oil; suitable for deep drawing and stamping operations. Easily cleaned up after operation, convenient for subsequent process like spray painting or porcelainzing. Can be applied to workpieces using hand brush, rollers or recirculation.0.900
700 - 1200> 80> 130
SmartDraw SDA3630Aluminium Wire Drawing Oil No Chlorine. Low viscosity, high viscosity index. Special friction modifier and high performance lubricant. Contains synthetic esters, with strong lubricity. Can maintain high stear stability at elevated temperature. Operation of aluminum wire drawing can keep dies at low temperature even under high speed operation; so can ensure good surface finishing and cleaniness of workpieces. Suitable for processing aluminum series of 1350, 3xxx to 7xxx. Can be used by direct application to workpieces. Operation can be done from starting diameter of 2mm to finishing diameter 0.1mm.n.a.200 - 400> 50> 150
SmartDraw SDA4894Aluminum Alloy Stamping and Drawing ConcentrateNo chlorine, washable stamping and drawing concentrate, specially designed for machining aluminum alloys. Contains special friction modifier, high molecular weight polymeric esters, extreme pressure additives, synthetic ester; which can perform good lubricity and maintain high film strength even in high temperature during machining. Contains anti-corrosion component which has short term anti-corrosion characteristic after machining. Can be used neat or diluted with mineral oil in application.0.800
60 - 120 > 90 > 130
SmartDraw SDA4896Aluminum Alloy Stamping and Drawing ConcentrateContains no chlorine, stamping and drawing compound concentrate specially designed for machining aluminum alloys. Contains special friction modifier, high molecular weight polymeric esters, extreme pressure additives and synthetic esters. With good lubricity, can maintain high film strength even under high temperature environment. Leaves very little residues after processing, and workpiece with good surface finishing. Can be used neat or diluted with solvent or mineral oil for application. Suggested product/oil ratio is 30:70.0.900
40 - 80 > 70> 170