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BACTERICIDE – FUNGICIDE TESTING KIT is an economic, quick and accurate testing kit
to monitor the population of bacteria, fungi and yeast growth in the water-based system.


  1. Remove the cap and paddle unit from the container (avoid touching the agar);
  2. Immerse the paddle into the fluid under test for 5-15 sec;
        Insure both agar surfaces are fully wetted;
  3. Take out and drain excess fluid for a few seconds from the sides of the paddle;
  4. Return paddle to container. Tighten cap;
  5. Record related information such as date and time on the label provided;
  6. Incubate unit in an upright position at 27-30℃ for 24-48 hours
        (For yeasts and moulds, incubation time should be at the upper side of the range);
  7. Take out and observe the colonies on paddle;Compare them with
        colony density chart provided to determine cell quantity in tested fluid;
Dipslide Bacteria Kit

Dipslide Fungi Kit
molds & Yeasts

Malt Extract Agar (Brown Side): Supports only the growth of yeast and mold. Bacterial growth is inhibited due to low pH. Mold grow as fuzzy colonies while yeast colonies are smooth and round.

Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (Transparent Side): Bacteria grow as red or colourless colonies. DO NOT be mislead by colony sizes and colour. Each colony represents a growning organism. Colourless colonies should also be counted.

STORAGE: Can be stored at room temperature. DO NOT FREEZE.

EXPIR DATE: Seven months from the date of production.