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SMART OIL PRODUCT: Synthetic Coolant Concentrates
Brands Chemistry Product Features Typical Properties
SanSyn SG6160Synthetic Grinding FluidPremium oil rejecting synthetic type. Contains no mineral oils and chlorinated additives; also no harmful materials such as nitrite. Exhibits clear and transparent liquid with no color and odor after diluted with water. Contains EP additive, suitable for cutting, drilling and grinding operations, etc. Possesses extremely good antirust, sedimentary and foam release properties. Can process ferrous and rare earth metals, including alloys of neodymium, cerium, lanthanum, samarium, etc. Good cleansing properties, will not leave adherent sediments after operation, so working fluid can keep clear and transparent. Suitable for fine grinding operation on optical glass. Product comparatively more concentrated, can be diluted 30% with water before delivery to end customers.1.050
8.5 - 9.5< 102.5 - 3.0
SanSyn SD6260Synthetic Drilling FluidNew generation drilling and grinding fluid with no odor. Contains no nitrite and other harmful materials. Possesses superior lubricating, antiwear, and EP properties. Specially designed for drilling and grinding operations. Very strong antirust capability, can be used as in-process rust preventive.Product with excellent cleansing property, metal scraps will not easily adhere to workpieces after machining. Can be used in standalone or centralized systems. Product highly concentrated, can be diluted 20% water before delivery to end customers.1.000
8.0 - 9.050 - 803.2 - 3.6
SanSyn SM6560Multi-Functional Synthetic CoolantPale yellow, no odor, clear transparent fluid after dilution. Contains phosphor additive, suitable for cutting, drilling and grinding operations. Superior antirusting, anti-microbial growth , metal filing sedimentating and defoaming properties, so is good for machining 316L stainless steel, cast iron, copper and aluminum alloy. Also good protection for copper and aluminum alloys from corrosion, so can process yellow metals. Product with excellent cleaning properties, workpieces will not have poor surface finishing due to overheating. Can dilute product with 30% water before delivery to end-user. 1.000
8.5 - 9.012 - 202.8 - 3.2
GlassGrind GG6767Synthetic Glass Gringding FluidFully-synthetic glass grinding coolant. Contains no silicon, diethanolamine, nitrite, phosphate, polychlorinated biphenols, phenol and mineral oils. Possesses strong lubricating characteristics which can effectively reduce the friction between glass and grinding wheel, and processed product finishing can be enhanced. Besides, machining rate can be increased. Good glass powder settling which can avoid the powder being refluxed to the coolant tubing and get it blocked.1.100
8.0 - 9.5< 102.6 - 3.4